Monday, December 27, 2010

Kim and I and the things we share

Oh the things we share
  • love for each other
  • love for our puppies
  • home
  • intelligent conversation
  • the love of food
  • crazy family
  • friends
  • a jinks
  • a desire to be healthier
  • over coming odds
  • compassion
  • life
  • a bed
  • good moods and bad
  • sorrows and celebrations

Saturday, October 16, 2010

No one said it would be easy....

Hello world!

Boy have we messed up our healthy living over the last few months.  Guess we paid the price by gaining substantial weight back?  Ok.  That's enough about that.  We own it.  We will get past it.  Starting now.  Never said this journey would be easy.......Let's try again.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hope everyone is finding happiness

So Kim and I are doing great. We are working right now on stream lining our food more to take out more and more processed Items. We are eating many fruits and veggies. We are eating lots of lean proteins. I realized this weekend that I am 90lbs lighter than my heaviest weight, even if it has taken longer than I wanted that is really cool. My physical identity is starting to be recognized as a fairly normal sized person. This is all a little new. I have been the big person for a long time.

Another thing I have been doing is working on my mind, brain, thinking, or processes that I have. I am finding ways to access my own peace and happiness that is from me not dictated by an outside source. I, for a long time relied on other people, or items, or situations to provide the happiness I wanted. I was often disappointed in counting on those sources because I had an expectation for them that they could not do. I know for many years I struggled to find forgiveness for people I have held responsible for hurting, or harming me. What I discovered is for me it was not forgiveness I needed to achieve. I had to open my mind and investigate how I felt, why I felt that way, how did I know to feel that way, and realize what I learned was incorrect and I had to change that.

Friday, April 9, 2010

finding focus

As I have said in earlier postings I am working kind of three goals discipline, balance, and peace. I have been practicing imbalance for about three weeks. I have lost focus on my goals and floundered a bit. The good news is that normally in this situation I would stray greatly and swing like a pendulum in extreme fashion because I am practiced at this. I have not gone backward I just stalled for a moment. I feel my focus return. I am still down 50lbs. this is a measure of my progress but not the goal itself. I am learning to adjust to change. I have been like I am for a long time and change is good but strange. I hope everyone who has contact with this is well and is getting everything from the world you need.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We are still on it here is what has been going on

Ok, so let me catch everyone up on the last week or so. It is truly a difficult concept but I learned my expectations and patterns of thought  means absolutely nothing to anyone outside my head. If I impose some sort of vengeance or punishment on someone, it is completely possible they won’t have any idea and it will have been in vain. Ok, I learned, I get it, and now I will peacefully move on.

Over the past three weeks I hit a total block with my weight loss I was stuck yo-yoing the same five lbs. and I was ready to go postal in my most unbuddha like demeanor. Today I had an epiphanal moment. I stopped half of my diabetic medication a few days before that. So, everything I have been doing did not go south and I can put a stop to the “come apart” I had planned. I have adjusted to the change and I am now dropping weight to my delight.

I hope Kim puts an update up soon, she is doing so well. We will be adding some new pictures to the blogs very soon around the first of April.

I am trying my hand at homemade chili Verde I have the base of several recipes and I will doing this Friday. If anyone has advice I am open to it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

spicy corned beef and cabbage

Ok everyone, here is something Kim and I came up with for St. Paddys day.

Things you need:
1 quart home made chicken stock (it does not have to be home made but that is the best)
1 leek sliced, rinsed, then diced
1 onion diced
3 large carrots sliced into rounds
4 stalks celery diced
1to4 chipotle peppers in adobo diced (very hot)
2 table spoons of olive oil
2 lbs baby red potatoes cut in half
1 can corn
1 can kidney or black beans
1 head of cabbage
1 corned beef that has been boiled for 3 hours in water with it's seasoning packet cooled and cut into chunks
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon fresh ground coriander
1 table spoon kosher salt
1 palm full of dried oregono
1 cup dry red wine
1 table spoon of worshtishire sauce don't mind the spelling you know what I mean
1/2 a can of tomoatoe paste

sweat onions, carrots, leeks, celery, and chipotle and salt in the olive oil in a large pot

after 10 min. add tomatoe paste cook another 5 min.
add red wine and worshtishire sauce, chili powder, pepper, oregono, coriander cook another 3 min

add corned beef, corn, potatoes, beans, cabbage and cover with stock.

cook about 30 min untill potatoes are fork tender it is hot but really good
optional add 1 table spoon of sour cream to your bowl cools it down a bit

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Some times you have to remember the scale is only one way to tell how your doing

So, yesterday was a prime example of how far I have to go. I have been going to the gym working the elliptical and doing great. I for the first time got on the treadmill and attempted to run……..ok now stop laughing. I found that it is much more of a work out and I felt like it was my first time in a gym. It was uncomfortable and I was not coordinated at all. I have something to focus on and work at. I will be a runner before the end of this leg of my journey. I have has some frustration the last little while. I hit a brick wall with my weight loss been a yoyo for the last two weeks and it can be hard to see. On the other had I reduced my diabetes medication and my blood sugar has been awesome every morning. All so my spikes right after I eat are under 200 that rocks. I am wearing clothes I could not have contemplated a month ago. I will be spending some reflection time on things I can do to make my eating even better and practicing this running stuff. I know this is only a number issue and will resolve itself soon.

I am thankful for Kim helping me stay focused and putting up with grumpy me when the scale gets to me. I am thankful I have friends like Jinksie that are doing this with us. I am fortunate I get to have this experience. I feel great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

baby steps

I don’t need to know. I don’t need to find some altruistic meaning. I don’t need to hold on to bad, hurt, painful, or vengeful feelings. I can turn poison in to medicine when the need arises. Some of this may seem hard to swallow, but let me put this in context. I am meeting with my mother on Saturday, for the first time in around 3 years. It is not my place to have an expectation of anyone one else. I can let them be them and do my own thing. I hope someone can use this some how.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hey here is some thoughts, ideas, and advice from me and Dr. Oz

The first thing we should talk about is points of weight loss success by Dr. Oz.

1) Do not wear stretchy cloths. It hampers your ability to monitor if you are putting on a few extra pounds.

2) Do not keep fat clothes they offer you the ability to go back to old ways. At least you will have to think about it when you would shell out for a new wardrobe again.

3) Plan your meals don’t walk in the kitchen unless you already know what you are going to eat.

4) Chew your food at least 20 times. The more you chew the more it stimulates your brain and make your eating experience more pleasurable and complete.

5) Never ever eat out of a vending machine

6) Never eat when standing or in a car. It does not allow for a relaxed or focused eating experience and you will want to eat again.

The next thing I will cover is this. I cannot go through days without clear goals. I need to know what things I need to accomplish because if I don’t I can find a lot of time to do absolutely nothing ha. It is part of the learning discipline. I can choose not to do things but I should be conscious of what those things are.

It is also important for me to always know what my causes are. What I mean by this is knowing what the bigger picture is. It is important that Kim and I are finding ways to have a productive and healthful relationship and that we are always growing as partners. It is important that I do things that make the world a better place even if in my small ways. It is important that I am always aware of my priorities and making life decisions that support them. Everyone has different lists and things that are important to them. I am just beginning the journey to take who I am organize this into a strong foundation and grow a future I in the past would not have thought possible.

I am grateful that people who love me will remind me of what I am working on if I get off track. I am grateful that I feel so good lately. I have hope and gratitude that my program at work will continue to improve and grow.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Slow and steady wins the race...

How many times have you heard the saying "Slow and steady wins the race"?  Personally, I've heard it used thousands of times I'm sure in my 33 year existance.  I guess I didn't really understand what that meant until recently. 

Watching TV you cannot get away from all the fad products out there offering "help" for weight loss. Cleansers, burners, gadgets, and services that will ship food to your door!  Really???  I say it's all crap!  With a little effort, each and every person out there can do the exact same thing.  Yes, it takes will power and it takes research. It takes being prepared. It also takes patience.  Slow and steady.  Doing what Dawnna and I are doing, you are not going to lose massive amounts of weight immediately.  (Although, in the 2.5 months we have been doing this, she has lost 45 pounds and I've lost 30.  I think that's pretty impressive.)  The fads out there might help for a minute, but utlimately once you start shying away from it, the weight comes back.  The secret to keeping the weight off is making a lifestlye change.  Once you stop taking pills, or shots, or starving, or have to change your life to keep off the weight.  That's the secret.  There are no magical pills.  It all boils down to determination and making sweeping changes to your lifestyle.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hello Everyone

I know I have been not posting as much as I would like the last couple of weeks. We have been crazy busy at work. Hopefully it slows a bit next week. Kim and I are doing great. We feel good, we are happy, we are not getting stressed over the little stuff. I must say, one of the things that is helping me stay focused is sharing what we are doing and giving other people hope. It is funny how even though you can look around and see others having the same challenges you can feel so very alone in your own challenge. One of my goals in this healthful experience is to at the very least offer anyone with these types of goals the option to not be alone. We share triumphs and bad days, recipes, and life. It seems to me that it makes bad days not so bad and good days that much better. Just the way I experience it. Share if you have something to share.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Way to Go Honey

Ok, Everyone Here is a Kim comparison. As you can see the first one was taken 2/2009 the other was taken yesterday. She has been rockin it out no matter what. She has put up with me and had surgery and has lost 30 lbs in just 2 months. As she put in her post last night there are staples you should keep in your home. I believe there is another list that is just as important. The "what not to keep in the house" list. Even if you allow yourself to have these things on occasion it is important that they not be in your home, sanctuary, face during a moment of weakness before you have the chance to really way the pros and cons of the decision you make. Some of the things on our list are:

Booze (it will steal your will power)

Unhealthful pastries


Unhealthful bread

Anything not allowed on your daily menu


We only buy a ½ gallon of milk at a time so we don’t over indulge or be wasteful

Unhealthful frozen foods (some would say none of it is healthful but it does serve a purpose)

What we really try to do is find healthful ways to have our old favorites. We do this with things like smartone deserts, keeping sugar free jello, and peanut butter and chocolate fiber one bars.

If you have any feed back or things you would like to know or just a question leave us a comment we would love to hear from you.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A list of staples..

In every household there are things that are must haves or staple items. When you are eating healthy that couldn't be more true.  So we have decided to list some of the staple items that make this journey easier and healthier for us.

Our List
  • Sea Salt and Pepper Quaker snacks
  • Pickles
  • Green Beans
  • Crystal Lite
  • Coffee
  • Sugar free coffee creamer
  • Cinnamon
  • Homemade chicken stock and marinara
  • Small red potatoes
  • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Bananas
  • Fresh fruits and veggies
  • Sara Lee 45 Calorie delightful bread
  • Kellogs 100 calorie crunchy fruit bars
  • Fiber One 90 calorie bars
  • Sour cream and ranch packets. 
  • Measuring spoons and cups

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cleaning out the closet....

Today was a big day for Dawnna and I.  We went through all of our clothes.  More specifically, the clothes we had put up because we were to big to wear them.  I can't believe how many things we had that I had forgotten about!  An even better feeling is trying them on and everything fits....YAY!  It's like Christmas day. 
Now we just have to get rid of all of our fat clothes.  This is an important step.  We both feel that if we keep them we might set ourselves up for failure.  This is not an option. We have both done very well and feel very proud of where we are today! 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


One of the things I notice over the last couple of months is that my decision making has changed. This journey will never just be about losing weight but rather creating a trifecta of discipline, balance, and peace. Up to now I have been a person who goes where the wind blows. I can adjust to anything. To some degree that is good however I did this with no type of boundaries or with limits set to the moon. What I am noticing is I am being mindful now of if going to a place, or restaurant is going to fit in to my new found life style. I was listening to a show on NPR (I drive Kim nuts with some of this stuff) they were talking about defining your priorities, and understanding how that effects your decisions. Most people get over whelmed and thing start to suffer if there are more 5 to 7. What are your priorities? How are they working for you? Do you understand how they affect your life? My top 5 are as follows:

1) Me

That means my health, my peace of mind, advocating for myself in the world, and accountability for myself and impact on others

2) My relationship with my partner

Making decisions based on our life together, how I can affect her happiness, having tough conversations to get to the root of what we need to work on, love, respect, and fun

3) Work

Am I doing my job, how can I improve, if my staff are lacking how am I not being effective and how can I change that, how can I make the best of challenging situations because this field is full of them, and what can I do to improve others situation for me being there

4) Friends and Family

Am I the friend I should be, helping when I can, celebrating, and being a shoulder when those times are in order

5) Finances

Am I taking care of my responsibility, Am I staying out of situations I can’t afford, and how can I prepare for our future

I will tell you now that there is still work I have to do on some of these. Some things are continuous and will be an ever changing path like being in a relationship. You never get to a place where you stop learning or experiencing, or stop developing or your relationship will end. This is my thoughts on the subject and another way I decide what is important.

Monday, March 1, 2010

how far we come and how fast we return

This is the difference between 1/30/10 and 3/1/10 not bad
So, I must talk about a reality for a moment. No matter how well you do in your trek to be healthy or healthful the fact is you will have a bad day. I do not mean an allowance day, not a treat day, just a bad day. Sometimes things can become over whelming and I have a tendency to want to eat comfort food. This is not the comfort food that makes eating healthy ok it is the comfort food that brought me to 350 lbs. The fact is, one day of that does not negate the last two months of work I have put in. So here is a way to see the results. I have decided when these days creep up that there are two things that are important. First I still have to account for what I do and eat no matter how bad it is. Second I have to learn from this experience and figure out why I had that reponse and how to change it next time. Let us see if it works, more to come later off to the gym.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

reading lables and an update on me

As Kim and I were shopping today I made some observations while reading the packaging of the food we were considering. I picked up a package and at first glance it was 190 calories for this package of chicken poppers of some sort. It was the same size as single serving stuff I get all the time. What a caloric deal. When looking closer I noticed there were 1.5 servings in this package which meant the serving size was totally inadequate for me anyway. There was also 285 calories in this package. It is important we look closely at the items we purchase. We need to look at calories per serving but also serving per package to make sure we aren’t being scammed.

I am now down 40lbs. I am now at 275. I am able to go faster longer at the gym and I feel stronger as well. I have cut my work outs a bit. I am doing about every other day and only once a day. This change came from the fact that doing it more slowed my weight loss. I am still eating between 1500 and 1600 calories a day. Kim and I have been talking and think it is important to explain that this is NOT a diet. These are not changes that will end when we reach some target. This is a way of being healthful that we will continue for life. When we reach the targets we set we will make the adjustments to maintain where we need to be. We also practice allowance days not cheat days. It may seem not important but I will not participate in something that goes against my goals. However the reason I want to be healthful is to have more experiences in life and enjoy things more. Make sure when you have your allowance days they are truly a treat and taste good. Ours do not involve fast food because card board is not a treat to me. Our treats may involve Greek food or Sushi, or well, you get the idea.

I am grateful for relaxing days, crazy, puppies, a partner going on this journey with me, and my ability to learn.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Phil...comfort food...and a recipe from Kim.

This week was a challenge.  I knew it would be, death is never an easy thing.  A co-workers son passed away and last night was the viewing.  Today, my work buddy Phil in TN lost his battle with cancer.  I had the opportunity to work with him for a few years; and although we never met, I considered him a friend.  He was the most thoughtful, fun loving guy with a never wavering faith.  I will miss you Phil. 

So after all this, of course the one thing I wanted today was comfort food.  Shepherds pie to be more exact. I used to make it when I wasn't watching my food so close.  The potatoes and cheese...mmmMMmm.....doesn't that just scream comfort?  Today, I decided I was going to make it.  One way or another.  Long story short, I made it.  It tasted GREAT.  It was FILLING, and most importantly it was COMFORTING. 

Here is the recipe:  Serves 3

9 oz (raw) extra extra lean diet ground beef.  (93/7 is good)
1 small onion chopped
1 TBSP Olive Oil
1 TBSP chopped garlic
1/2 cup chopped carrot.  (You can add celery too but I didn't have any on hand or any veg you might want)
1 TBSP tomato paste
1 cup chicken stock.  (Might not use it all)
2 to 3 Tbsp red wine
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp (or less) dry yellow mustard
1 small can of whole kernel corn (one of the little mini cans is good)
8 oz of baby red potatoes
1 TBSP of I Can't Believe it's not Butter
1.5 oz shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

While boiling the red potatoes brown the meat in a stainless steel pan.  Remove meat from the pan and set aside.  Add onion and garlic to the pan.  If needed add the olive oil and cook until onions are soft.  Add carrots and celery and cook for about 2-3 minutes.  Add tomato paste, worcestershire sauce, and mustard. Add the wine to help deglaze the pan. Add a little chicken stock until you have a gravy like consistency.  Add corn.  Let simmer for approx 10 minutes.  Add chicken stock as necessary. You want to have a little gravy for the dish. 

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 

When the potatos are ready, drain and SMASH (not mash) with the I Can't Believe it's not butter and a little pepper.  They will be chunky...and..leave the skins on.  They are good for you!  Spoon the meat mixture into individual crocks.  Top with smashed potatoes and half an ounce of the shredded cheese.  Melt cheese in the oven for about 4 minutes.  Serve with 1 ounce of a good crusty baguette bread (2 slices cut about 3/4 inch thickness) 

Calories for 1 serving: 460.

Try it and enjoy it when you need some comfort.  ~Kim


Who are the people that have made an impression on your life? What was it that touched you and Why? Is this something that others would benefit from knowing? How can you pass on what you learn from the people you learn from?

In the past few months I have become very conscious of the loss suffered by people Kim and I know. It seems there are many people passing away. I think that I am just paying attention more now. One of the people that made a great impression in my life was my grandmother. From my earliest memories she was a champion for me. She wanted to spend time with me, teach me, and correct me when I needed it. She was a great supporter of learning, and teaching yourself. She did not need a degree or to wait for someone with knowledge. If she wanted to know something she would find that information. In a time we did not have the ready access to computers and internet. She loved the arts, like ice skating, entertaining, talent and passion. She loved sports. These are all things that are still celebrated in my life and I share them with people I care for. We did not agree on everything, which was sort of the beauty of the relationship we loved each other so much we could disagree and still love each other.

There are many people throughout my life who make me learn or think or be different for the experience of knowing them. There are people I have never met who have made an impact on those I love and I still get the gift they passed on. I am very thankful for the people in my life, at home, at work, and in the world I get to experience.

Just a thought hope you can get something from it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What to Cook?

Ok so I need to share some more taste things to eat.

Tonight I marinated London broil enough for a 4 oz. portion for each person

In ¼ cup red dry wine, a tsp of chopped garlic, fresh ground black pepper to taste

Let that hang out in the fridge for at least a couple hours

Take it out 30 min. before you plan to cook (always cook beef at room temp)

Broil 3 inches from heat 3 to 7 min per side to your preference for doneness

Boil 5oz baby red potatoes per person (they are sweeter and tastier than russets)

When done cut into four or six pieces add a table spoon of I can’t believe it is not butter

Salt and pepper to taste

¼ cup 2% Cottage Cheese per person

Cut 1 piece of center cut bacon into small pieces and sauté till cooked through ( 1 for every 2 people)


¾ cup French styled green beans per person add salt and pepper to taste and heat through

This is a satisfying and filling and it comes in at 410 calories

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Find the good

Ok, it has been a crazy week. Monday was a Monday, short staffed at work and everyone is having behaviors. WooHoo! However Last night I went to help some very good friends of mine move her dad into his new apt. In the past moving people has been a dreaded feet of manual labor. Anyone who knows me well knows I detest that. This time i found out some things about me. First, I am not getting winded so easily and I have much better stamina than before. Second, I do not have to lift the heaviest things I can find and prove to anyone that I am strong or capable. I can have help and set limits, how freeing. I know my dad and step mom are both following this blog and i can say that the feedback and interest and support is great. I have an awesome group of people in my circle that are cherished and nothing in the world could replace them. For me, these are the people who don't just love me, but, love me for and in spite of all my imperfections. They see me through all of my own crap until I find a way to balance and calm. They have made my part of their life and their families. For that I am truly thankful!

I believe that recognizing the good things and lessons in my existance are important so that will start being part of this blog.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What are your thoughts and Why

Ok, this is my opinion and I may be wrong. I am willing to listen to any feedback on the subject. You and I do not need weight loss surgeries, pills, hcg, fad diets that do further damage to our bodies. The fact is even if you use these as tools to lose weight in order to maintain it for a long period of time you still have to learn to eat right and exercise. If you are going to learn to eat right and exercise any way, than just do it in the first place. I think the markets for those other things are tied directly into the fact that we as a society are driven by instant results and instant gratification. We search outside ourselves for pleasure and happiness and it is always fleeting. I also think when you get a result you want in a way that does not feel like you earned it the feeling of accomplishment is horribly compromised. You have to make choices for you and I for me, this is just the way things look in a snapshot of my head.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lessons learned.

Today has been one of those days where everything involves some sort of lesson. While I was listening to music on the elliptical today, I had the stark realization that I was finally living the way I should. The song that was playing brought up some very angry feelings that must have been tucked away for 15+ years. Days of the taunting by school kids and name calling by my ex husband all came back. The music was the trigger and the machine was my release. Exercise equals therapy! Dawnna and I discussed how I felt and thank goodness she understood where I was coming from. We both have inner demons that we have to work on. Thank goodness we don’t have to go it alone.

One topic we did discuss is those people out there that think taunting someone is going to magically help them lose weight or make a change. Take it from me, taunting and teasing doesn’t motivate you to do anything. Creating mental scars does not motivate. Although, now it does make me angry enough to RUN on that machine.  :)

In the afternoon, I was on the phone when my second lesson of the day happened. I won’t get into all the things discussed as it’s not relevant to my lesson learned haha! Here’s what that phone call gave me. Being healthy and living healthy isn’t about just eating right and exercising. It’s about being true to yourself; being real with those around you; living life without regrets and learning from the times you have made mistakes. We all make mistakes but we have to learn not to repeat them. You aren’t really living healthy until you learn to do these things.

Here’s to living healthy!!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tips for Food

Ok everyone here are some things we have tried, done, or started to help us stay on track. We have started keeping a running list of things we need to get from the store. This has been good for our budget as well as belts. We do not go shopping while hungry it is just a bad idea. There are a few products that have proven to be life savers. Sara Lee 45 calorie delightful bread, Quaker brand rice snacks salt and pepper flavor is great. Drink a ton of water it makes a difference in many areas, digestion, weight loss, hydration, even gets rid of chapped lips. For me, I have to be educated and conscious but not ridged. For instance today we went and out to Sushi Ya a new place in Layton. We are going again at the beginning of April. Going out to eat has become something special and not a daily expectation. We have become more accountable for preparedness and meeting our needs rather than wants. I still want Popeye’s Chicken, I need to be 100 lbs lighter to be healthy. A work in progress.

Friday, February 19, 2010

updates and learning from other is good

So, today I broke up my work out a little because it started getting boring. I sometimes have a habit of not doing things suggested until I try them my way and figure out that someone else may know something. I suppose that is a trait I have had for a very long, long time. Those of you who know me will all agree I must say that it is also a trait that serves me well, it helped me get through a college degree I should not have been able to complete. It has helped me over come many obstacles I know it is a double edged sword and must be kept in check though. My stepmom JoAnn sent me a link when she heard I was doing this healthful stuff it is a very encompassing site that helps with goals for weight loss, work outs, menu planning as well as having tips for healthy life style changes. If you are interested take a look and tell me if it is helpful to you.

Just an update on a few people our Brandon has been working out and is cutting soda intake, woohoo. Then there is our Jinks she is working out and has been watching her calories. She is getting help on menu planning and is being a good influence on her family as well. I am very proud of both of you and it is awesome to do this with our friends.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Reality Check

So, not every day is a feel good get on it day. Today I woke up unmotivated annoyed at the scale and just lacking inspiration to do the things I know I need to. However, I still got up and got dressed and made my way in the cold to the gym. I felt better when I finished, still annoyed with the scale. I think that is a realization though. It is not about the number on the scale it is about being healthy and that is just one way to track your progress. I am down about 34 lbs. I also went from a size (men’s sizes) 54 to 46 pant size. My blood sugar has been completely in normal healthy ranges for a couple of weeks. I am beginning to be able to control my heart rate while working out. I know the days I wake up and do not want to go to the gym and want to eat the worst crap I can find are the days I have to go to the gym. I know no matter how much progress I make I am one bad decision away from sabotaging myself. I know I have to keep writing and keep learning and keep a focus on the big picture without getting caught up in the numbers for 1 day or 1 week. I know I can not do this alone and for the people who are interested and following this or who join me at the gym or who live with me and put up with my insanity  It all helps and Thank You.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Gym

Should you join a gym? For me, I know there are 10,000 things I can do at home to exercise. It would cost less. I also know I have spent 33 years at home and it brought me to 350 lbs. It is very easy to become distracted and unmotivated. Kim and I joined a Gym called Thrive Fitness. It is located on 5600 s in the same parking lot as Kents. It is a small gym and slow or busy, I have never had a bad or self conscious thought. The people are all very polite and doing their own thing. When I go there are no distractions and I have a specific goal. I am working now at 40 to 45 minutes on an Elliptical twice a day burning about 1000 calories. I can feel myself getting stronger and building my endurance. Our friend Jinks has been joining us and doing very well. I believe our friend Brandon is going to give it a go as well.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valetine Day

I had a realization recently, what do you do to show and tell someone you love them? When it comes to my partner, I don’t cheat, don’t be disrespectful, and let her know I love her. However, considering some of my health issues I wasn’t doing the most important thing I could. If I don’t start taking care of myself I could be dead or have debilitating health issues within 15 years. Also if I am not being healthful I am surely not supporting Kim in health and longevity. From now on part of my commitment to Kim and to me will be a contentious mind set about healthy food, activity, and life in general.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ok, so after the gym we took the dogs for a 2 mile walk at the park way. Roxy still has a long way to go in order to be a good mannered dog however Fish is a good boy. If we are taking time for us to be healthy we have to make sure our puppies are to. Here are a couple of pictures from this happy day.

Now, about good food. I don't know about everyone else but I love Fish tacos. Here is what we did for dinner to night.
Whole Halibut fillet from van de kamp
bake 3 pieces 280 calories
6" corn tortillas 150 calories for three
half an avacado cut into 3 slices 70 calories
chopped raw cabbage a pinch no calories ( or grab a cole slaw mix in the salad section)

third cup sour cream
tb chipotle in adobo
fresh cilontro to taste
buzz in a food processor

about a tsp per taco 70 calories
 total 570 and it was good!

Feeling Good

Happy Saturday!  We are off to a good start this morning. Dawnna is feeling better so working out in the gym is a little easier on her.  Last night we were able to do over 30 minutes on the eliptical, and this morning I did just over 40.  It's getting easier!  I've set some goals for myself, that may seem a little unrealistic, but I'm going to try to reach them.  What is my goal?  10 pounds down every two weeks until July. 

While we are on the topic of feeling good, I have to give KUDOS to my best friend Jinks.  She has decided to go on this journey with Dawnna and I.  We are so happy that we are able to help and that she is seeing results!  Jinks has joined the gym with us and is going whenever she can.  She is learning to eat healthy and even cook healthy! She is down almost 15 pounds in just a couple of weeks.  We are so proud of you Jinks, way to go! 

Dawnna and I had a chat today about what to add to the blog and I think we have decided to show off some pictures in the futre.  We will show some of where we were and where we are now.  Maybe even some little videos of our adventures in the gym.  HAHA!  Stay tuned!

Have a great day everyone....and oh yeah....don't be afraid to share your thoughts by leaving a comment or two.


Friday, February 12, 2010

A Guacamole Burger

Part of dinner tonight

3oz 91/9% ground beef patty season and broil to taste

Sara lee 120 cal hamburger bun

Homemade guacamole (add salsa, garlic salt, a squeeze of lemon or lime)

Red onion

Vine ripe tomatoes

In total 375 calories it is so good.

Another tip is: wonton wraps the small squares are 160 calories for 8

Cut in half or fourths

Spread out on a baking sheet in a single layer

Spray barely with a little Pam cooking spray

Sprinkle with salt or garlic salt

Bake at 350 degrees for 6 min.

Good alternative to chips and very satisfying

Two Bit

So one of my goals in doing this blog is to give people resources. The more I know the more power to make decisions I have. I go to this little restaurant named Two Bit Café. It is located at 25th street just above Wall. It is a very cool little place with the most fascinating people. It is owned by a husband and wife team. Penny is the Chef, her food is amazing and I can even find healthy things when watching myself. James does a little of everything and has a couple of side interests. He is an always learning magician, he also is certified in hypnosis. I have gone in with a migraine and with 10 min. and a little willingness he has made it go away. I should say he taught me to make it go away. He does hypnosis for weight loss as well. I have not done this but if anyone is interested I would love to hear how it goes. You can post it here in a comment or E-mail me at

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So today I thought I had derailed my eating.  I've upped my caloric intake since I realized that in order to break the plateau I need to eat just a bit more.  So I did really well, until the dreaded donuts showed up for a team meeting today.  I had one.  Not the most horrible one, but still one sugary little fattening super calorie filled treat.  AHH!  And then.....right before the end of the day....I did the most horrible thing; I had ANOTHER.  For sure, I thought, I was derailed.  After our evening out shopping and such we settled in and started to count out calories from our journals. (Although I admit I'm not as dedicated to writing it down as Dawnna, I do keep track of every bit of food that goes in my mouth)  Dawnna had also had a challenging day.  As we tallied up our totals we realized that we were in fact within acceptable limits.  I ended my day around 1700 calories.  Amazing!  Today, I feel like a success at this.  Today, I feel like a rockstar.

Tomorrow is a new day..and new challenges.


The Journal

So, one of the things I have been doing this time that is different from any other is keeping a journal. Here I track my blood sugars at the end of the day, as well as first thing in the mornings. I weigh myself every morning at around the same time, in the same outfit. I track every calorie I put in my mouth. This way I don’t forget, or cheat, or fool myself about what I am really doing. One of my focuses on this journey is becoming self disciplined. I have never really done that before. I ate too much, drank too much, and my waist line is a direct result of that. This is one of the tools that seems to be working for me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where to begin!

Hey Folks!  Kim here!  I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for the blog.  This is an idea that we have kicked around for a while. I'm glad Dawnna finally jumped out there and did it. 

So where do I begin to put in my two cents? :)  Well, it's been just over a month since we started this journey.  We began on January 3rd.  It did not come without setbacks.  Not two weeks in, I had to have surgery.  Pesky appendix!  It slowed my progress but not my drive.  I still didn't derail my new found eating habits.  Another never ending sweet tooth!!!  I have an addiction to chocolate!  HA!  This is where Dawnna and I differ.  She craves the savory things.  I crave sweet and carbs!  I'll share some of those tips later.

All in all I hope we are able to share great information with you that read.  We have been asked many times in the last few weeks what we are eating and how to prepare it.  Here we will have the opportunity to share. 

Tonights dinner menu: 
Smoked pork loin chops - 3.5 oz (195 calories)
Red potatoes (5 oz) with 1tbs I can't believe it's not butter- 170 calories
1/2 cup green beans with 1 slice center cut bacon* (use rendered fat instead of butter) -55 calories.
*its important to use a center cut bacon as it has less calories than other cuts.

Total calories for dinner: 420.

Good News

So my life partner Kim just called and saw the post from her high tech cell phone and she will be joining me on this blog. We are doing some of these healthful things together and the support is really helpful. Be looking for her introduction coming soon. For right now she is headed home and we are headed to the gym. Go eliptical!

The Beginning again:)

Ok, I have been doing things to improve my health body, mind, and spirit. On my path I have been inspired by the teaching of the Buddha. Relax, I am not converting anyone to anything. The Buddha simply learned what human suffering was and what caused it and how to stop it. I have started a process and if it can help anyone I want to share.

Part of this Journey involves eating right. I have fought in every way possible eating healthy food, exercise, and watching calories. I am finally submitting to the process. You can go to or and go to the section that has to do with weight loss or calorie calculator. I have checked both of these places I know now that with the fact I am 284lbs and do light to moderate exercise I need about 2800 calories to maintain my current weight. This means if I only eat 1500 calories a day I am creating a 1300 calorie deficit a day. Let the pounds come off!!! I have been tracking my progress since 1/3/10 and have dropped 30lbs to date.

The first few weeks were crazy not because it was hard to eat 1200 to 1500 calories but because you have to learn the calories in things and begin to measure things. A food scale has been an awesome tool so has the book "The Calorie counter" by NOLAN AND HESLIN. I frequently use the website , it is so simple and easy to use. So now I am about 5 weeks in and it is so much easier. I have created a mental filter as well.

A. Will this be physically filling

B. Is this food healthful


In the future I will be posting samples of my menus recipes for good food and a comentary on my progress. Please submit comments and questions on anything I can help with. If I don't know something I will research it and post what I find.