Saturday, February 27, 2010


Who are the people that have made an impression on your life? What was it that touched you and Why? Is this something that others would benefit from knowing? How can you pass on what you learn from the people you learn from?

In the past few months I have become very conscious of the loss suffered by people Kim and I know. It seems there are many people passing away. I think that I am just paying attention more now. One of the people that made a great impression in my life was my grandmother. From my earliest memories she was a champion for me. She wanted to spend time with me, teach me, and correct me when I needed it. She was a great supporter of learning, and teaching yourself. She did not need a degree or to wait for someone with knowledge. If she wanted to know something she would find that information. In a time we did not have the ready access to computers and internet. She loved the arts, like ice skating, entertaining, talent and passion. She loved sports. These are all things that are still celebrated in my life and I share them with people I care for. We did not agree on everything, which was sort of the beauty of the relationship we loved each other so much we could disagree and still love each other.

There are many people throughout my life who make me learn or think or be different for the experience of knowing them. There are people I have never met who have made an impact on those I love and I still get the gift they passed on. I am very thankful for the people in my life, at home, at work, and in the world I get to experience.

Just a thought hope you can get something from it.

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