Wednesday, March 3, 2010


One of the things I notice over the last couple of months is that my decision making has changed. This journey will never just be about losing weight but rather creating a trifecta of discipline, balance, and peace. Up to now I have been a person who goes where the wind blows. I can adjust to anything. To some degree that is good however I did this with no type of boundaries or with limits set to the moon. What I am noticing is I am being mindful now of if going to a place, or restaurant is going to fit in to my new found life style. I was listening to a show on NPR (I drive Kim nuts with some of this stuff) they were talking about defining your priorities, and understanding how that effects your decisions. Most people get over whelmed and thing start to suffer if there are more 5 to 7. What are your priorities? How are they working for you? Do you understand how they affect your life? My top 5 are as follows:

1) Me

That means my health, my peace of mind, advocating for myself in the world, and accountability for myself and impact on others

2) My relationship with my partner

Making decisions based on our life together, how I can affect her happiness, having tough conversations to get to the root of what we need to work on, love, respect, and fun

3) Work

Am I doing my job, how can I improve, if my staff are lacking how am I not being effective and how can I change that, how can I make the best of challenging situations because this field is full of them, and what can I do to improve others situation for me being there

4) Friends and Family

Am I the friend I should be, helping when I can, celebrating, and being a shoulder when those times are in order

5) Finances

Am I taking care of my responsibility, Am I staying out of situations I can’t afford, and how can I prepare for our future

I will tell you now that there is still work I have to do on some of these. Some things are continuous and will be an ever changing path like being in a relationship. You never get to a place where you stop learning or experiencing, or stop developing or your relationship will end. This is my thoughts on the subject and another way I decide what is important.

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