Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We are still on it here is what has been going on

Ok, so let me catch everyone up on the last week or so. It is truly a difficult concept but I learned my expectations and patterns of thought  means absolutely nothing to anyone outside my head. If I impose some sort of vengeance or punishment on someone, it is completely possible they won’t have any idea and it will have been in vain. Ok, I learned, I get it, and now I will peacefully move on.

Over the past three weeks I hit a total block with my weight loss I was stuck yo-yoing the same five lbs. and I was ready to go postal in my most unbuddha like demeanor. Today I had an epiphanal moment. I stopped half of my diabetic medication a few days before that. So, everything I have been doing did not go south and I can put a stop to the “come apart” I had planned. I have adjusted to the change and I am now dropping weight to my delight.

I hope Kim puts an update up soon, she is doing so well. We will be adding some new pictures to the blogs very soon around the first of April.

I am trying my hand at homemade chili Verde I have the base of several recipes and I will doing this Friday. If anyone has advice I am open to it.

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