Saturday, March 13, 2010

Slow and steady wins the race...

How many times have you heard the saying "Slow and steady wins the race"?  Personally, I've heard it used thousands of times I'm sure in my 33 year existance.  I guess I didn't really understand what that meant until recently. 

Watching TV you cannot get away from all the fad products out there offering "help" for weight loss. Cleansers, burners, gadgets, and services that will ship food to your door!  Really???  I say it's all crap!  With a little effort, each and every person out there can do the exact same thing.  Yes, it takes will power and it takes research. It takes being prepared. It also takes patience.  Slow and steady.  Doing what Dawnna and I are doing, you are not going to lose massive amounts of weight immediately.  (Although, in the 2.5 months we have been doing this, she has lost 45 pounds and I've lost 30.  I think that's pretty impressive.)  The fads out there might help for a minute, but utlimately once you start shying away from it, the weight comes back.  The secret to keeping the weight off is making a lifestlye change.  Once you stop taking pills, or shots, or starving, or have to change your life to keep off the weight.  That's the secret.  There are no magical pills.  It all boils down to determination and making sweeping changes to your lifestyle.


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